Have you ever dreamed of a painting or creation in your sleep? That’s what happened to me the other night. I actually dreamed of quite a few paintings, but these two were the most vivid when I woke up. That’s really the first time I have taken my dream inspiration and turned it into reality. I hope it happens again because I am very happy with the style of these and the colors! Plus, I love cowboy boots. I own several pairs myself and wear them all the time.
So, I’ve been thinking/talking a lot about finding “my style” and ran across this excellent article about developing your artistic style. I was feeling a little down on myself that I don’t seem to have one and that my art is all over the board, but this article affirmed that I am not the only person who has experienced that.
Developing your style takes time, and it’s ok to let the creative process happen in order to find it. In a way, it gave me permission to just create for creativity sake. I realize I have a lot more work to do, but now I can look at it as a process, rather than something that just happens overnight or something you are gifted with.
Here are a couple more shots of these last two minis. Yeehaw!
I'm glad you found my post about style helpful, Kimberly. Thanks for visiting Art Biz Blog! Just keep making art.
My recent post 5 Ways to Simplify Your Art Business in 2013
It was extremely helpful! Thanks for putting all your wonderful advice into the ethers! Much appreciated 🙂