by Kimberly | Jul 26, 2013 | Creativity
These images created by Maaike Bakkar of South Africa are so imaginative and textural. They were created for a Design School called The Open Window. I’m loving the message: Become A Creative Giant because it is a good reminder for me to continue creating and...
by Kimberly | Jun 21, 2013 | Creativity
I am completely enamored by Victo Ngai’s worked. There is so much detail, you could really revel in it for hours. Check out more of his amazing work at Behance.
by Kimberly | Mar 1, 2013 | Uncategorized
Today I have some gorgeous artwork incorporating birds and femininity. I’ve been listening to Skinny Love by Birdy over and over again for the past few days and I thought it would be play it while you admire the artwork.
by Kimberly | Feb 22, 2013 | Uncategorized
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