by Kimberly | Dec 23, 2012 | Uncategorized
I don’t know what it is about this time of year, but get the most comforting feeling when the weather changes and the temperatures drop. And it’s strange, because I don’t like being cold. It’s probably due to the nostalgia I have for Christmas...
by Kimberly | Mar 21, 2012 | Uncategorized
Are you like me – creative, passionate, inquisitive, and always wanting to learn and try something new, and all over the board? You’ve got so many interests and are good at many things, and you just can’t see how anyone could choose one thing to do...
by Kimberly | Mar 20, 2012 | Uncategorized
“Life Isn’t Easy.” “Life Is What We Make of It.” “Turn Lemons Into Lemonade.” We’ve all heard these proverbial quotes before, but it can be hard to actually live them when you are in the thick of it, cant’t it?...
by Kimberly | Mar 7, 2012 | Portfolio All
The U.S. Forest Service hired me to create three large interpretive panels to recognize and celebrate all of the amazing volunteers that attribute to making Sabino Canyon the incredible place it is. This is the series of the three panels.
by Kimberly | Mar 7, 2012 | Portfolio All
Bright and Fresh. Clean and elegant. Sophisticated yet a little whimsical. This describes Twin Satori Photography’s work and they needed an identity package to express those feelings. Two Logo Variations Two Different Business Card Designs Web Design...