Apple Baby Shoes for March 10xJOY

Apple Baby Shoes for March 10xJOY

Today is the big day for 10xJOY because it’s the first release of my 10 handmade items! If you are just hearing about this for the first time, I am making 10 items of one product for the last 10 months of the year and donating 10 percent to charity! Drum...
Hue-ahaulic: Chocolate

Hue-ahaulic: Chocolate

Hue-ahaulic: Chocolate by kimberly-kling featuring a leather cuff bracelet Leather cuff bracelet / Woodgrain by blockpartyprints on Etsy / Lacy Owl Twins birds art print by TevaKiwi / MAXI coat with by RenzRags / Hemp Pendant Lamp by IvyStyles / Hand knit winter scarf...
Hue-ahaulic: Slate

Hue-ahaulic: Slate

Hue-ahaulic: Slate by kimberly-kling featuring bird wall art Bird wall art / Okapi capelet by okapiknits on Etsy / Rectangle Pillow Cover by jennarosehandmade / Handspun yarn by LaceGiraffe / Tree Photograph by TwinSatori / The Nomad tshirt by blackbirdtees / Mini...