This listing is for the Winter Magic Printed Zine which will be mailed before the Winter Solstice around the beginning of December. This listing does not include the handcrafted herbal creations – to get the herbal creations with the zine please go to this listing. This listing includes a beautiful mini-magazine loaded with valuable information that will amplify your herbal knowledge, wellness know-how, and seasonal living. This gives you the opportunity to enhance your own herbal wisdom and sink deeper into seasonal living!
The featured plants for Winter has now been announced! Mullein and Jujube will be our herbal ally as we head into Autumn and guide us along the journey of enhanced wellness through the cold months! We will also be discussing the topics of sweetness and softness and how these concepts relate to wellness for winter.
Plant Magic is our version of an Herbal CSA – Community Supported Agriculture. When you invest in Plant Magic, you are also investing in your own experience and education, the continuation of herbal wisdom, organic and regenerative gardening practices, wildlife and pollinators, and broad-spectrum wellness.
My passion is to help you cultivate more of the inner joy which grows from connection to the natural world and a deep honoring of your own worthiness for self-care. Plant Magic is here to offer you tools, both physical and informational, to bring yourself into greater alignment with your joy and support you on your wellness journey.
For more information, click here.
Note: At this time, we can only offer this to mailing addresses within the United States.