Attention: Good Stuff here!


Garden of Joy


Welcome to our garden. Here you will find an abundance of resources and links to information, ideas, and inspiration. Enjoy!


Business Advice:

Tara Gentile: She’s definitely one of my gurus and she’s available for creative business mentorship. You bring the Passion and she shows you the Profit!

Tara Mohr: Tara writes about Wise Living and many of the principles that can translate to your business. She radiates an inner calm and teaches you to delve deep into who you are.

Jonathan Mead – Illuminated Mind: Jonathan is a day job destruction coach, writer, martial artist and marketer. He’ll teach you how to quit your day job.

Jonathan Fields: He’s an author, entrepreneur and speaker who helps individuals and organizations cultivate the personal practices needed to become more creative and innovative.

Caylie Price – Better Business, Better Life: Caylie is just an absolute gem!  She’s a business consultant, online marketer and professional trainer/presenter with a love of all things business, travel, sport and lifestyle.

More Great People:

Tiffany – Blah Cubed : She writes fun & engaging web copy for entrepreneurial women turning their creative talents into a creative business. 

Emilie Wapnick – Puttylike: Multipotentialites unite! Emily has created a wonderful community for people with a multitude of interests that want to integrate all of them and generate income. I highly recommend her book, Renaissance Business*. I devoured it when building Joyful Roots!

Web Kits and E-Books:

Renaissance BusinessEmail Marketing Kick Start: 30 Days to Passionate, Profitable Communication*  The Art of Earning: Because Making Money Should Be Beautiful*

Paper Books*:

Creative Blog Love:

Oh My! Handmade Goodness: My go-to blog for all things handmade and businessy goodness! 

Creature Comforts Blog: So much deliciousness! Gorgeous colors, art, crafts, DIY, food, and more!

VMac + Cheese: Lots of Eye Candy – Fashion, Beauty, Style, & Food!

Mint: Very fresh! Inspiration everywhere. 

Oh, Hello Friend: So much beauty here. 

Pikaland: Amy’s creations are so adorable and her writing is inspiring!

Joyful Roots is part of several affiliate programs. That means, if you make a purchase through certain links on the site, I may make a small commission. But know that my opinions are my own and never bought! Just here to help. I have marked the affiliate links with an asterisk *.