More Adorations & Affirmations – Glorious!

More Adorations & Affirmations – Glorious!

My internet was out all day yesterday. I have to admit that my first inclination was “great, now I’m not going to get anything done” but let me tell you, it was a blessing in disguise. It made me realize just how much time I spend (waste) doing silly...
Adorations and Affirmations – Project 300

Adorations and Affirmations – Project 300

Do you remember the post a while back where I said that I was going to be participating in Project 300 and that I was committing myself to make art for 300 of the 365 days this year? January started with a bang and the Mini Art Marathon filled a good chunk of those...
Inspirational Images Friday!

Inspirational Images Friday!

As you may have heard, this week I put out the word that I’m calling for a collaboration with all you creative folks. It’s easy actually. Each week, you have the opportunity to submit something you have created that you feel is inspiring via Twitter...

the big MINI ART MARATHON {Days 20 & 21}

Good new and bad news. I still have not gotten my mini-canvases s0 I called the company I bought them from and they never shipped. They had one item on back-order, never told me, and held the whole order. So it looks like I might be getting the canvases right at about...
Cards To Share Your Love

Cards To Share Your Love

I’ll admit, I hadn’t really thought that much about making art for holidays. I mean, I do get in the festive mood around Christmas and it usually rubs off into my work, but when I created my most recent pieces I didn’t have Valentine’s Day in...