the big MINI ART MARATHON {Day 4}

the big MINI ART MARATHON {Day 4}

It’s Friday! I went into the office today for a meeting and it lasted all of a half an hour. Despite the hour drive round trip, I was excited to get home and paint! More time for art! I’m feeling a tad under the weather today – hoping I’m not...
A Joyful Holiday Season To You!

A Joyful Holiday Season To You!

I don’t know what it is about  this time of year, but get the most comforting feeling when the weather changes and the temperatures drop. And it’s strange, because I don’t like being cold. It’s probably due to the nostalgia I have for Christmas...
Whiskers {Illustration Friday}

Whiskers {Illustration Friday}

I used to participate in Illustration Friday and it was a great motivator to try something new. This weeks theme was “Whiskers” and it was easy to have some fun with it. I wanted to create something whimsical and fun. This is Roofus, and he is painted with...