the big MINI ART MARATHON {Day 13}

the big MINI ART MARATHON {Day 13}

All of my hot-air balloon mini-paintings sold out! That’s pretty exciting. I figured they must be a hit, so I’ll paint some more. Here’s another blue and orange mini, with a bit lighter colors than last time and some puffy clouds in the sky....
the big MINI ART MARATHON {Days 5 & 6}

the big MINI ART MARATHON {Days 5 & 6}

The weekend of our wedding in Battle Creek Michigan this August, the World Championship Hot AIr Balloon Festival was taking place. Balloons where everywhere and it was completely magical! When I was in elementary school, hot air balloons used to land in the school...
the big MINI ART MARATHON {Day 3}

the big MINI ART MARATHON {Day 3}

It’s so cold outside today! For those of you in more frigid climates, you probably would laugh at me for saying so, but the wind was freezing! We still have a beautiful amount of snow on the mountains (I should really post a picture), and I think that is what...


This year I have big plans to take my art business to the next level. I’m hoping you’ll also join me in that journey, whether it be by taking your own business to the next level too, or following me on my journey. One of the things I have been wanting to...